Ramshorn Snails
Botanical Name: Planorbella duryi
One of the most popular aquarium snails used in aquariums. Ramshorn Snails are exceptionally prolific and adaptable snails. Under ideal growing conditions, these glorious snails can grow very fast, reaching sizes of between 0.5 – 2,5 cm. Ramshorn Snails has a way of making your tank look cleaner by eating up anything that has been rejected by the aquatic animal that was there. Ramshorn Snails are keen to move from one end of a tank to another looking for something to feed on. Their diet is quite wide and varied thus they eat up every decayed plant, debris and algae. They can effectively control algae blooms growing on your tank or pond. Therefore they are extremely beneficial to aquatic ecology and thus restoring the balance.
Water Type: FreshWater
Aquarium pH: 7.0 – 8.0
Water Temperature: 21 to 35 Degrees Celsius
Skill level: Easy , beginners
Growth Habit: Fast growth
Diet: Algae eater/omnivore
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